Thursday, January 13, 2011

Report: Loughner lost it after teen break-up

A 21 year old named Kelsey Hawkes was in a relationship with the suspect in the Tucson shooting Jared Loughner a year. She said that when they broke he started to “go off the rails.” She said that he started cutting himself off from mutual friends and starting using drugs and drinking. She says that her breaking up with him wasn’t what made him go crazy but it was the start of it. Hawkes said that it was obvious that Loughner was in love with her, but she wasn’t sure she felt the same way. She also said that Loughner used to care about everything. Although she wasn’t sure she was in love with him, she cried all day when she found out what he had did. The college also claimed that he was very hostile and almost creepy.
From how people describe him after the break up, there were clear signs that he was going crazy. Something should have been done. His family and friends should have watched him closer and should have made him get help. His girlfriend had the right to break up with him so she shouldn’t feel guilty for that, but she should feel guilty for not keeping an eye on him. Although I do not think the shooting was anybody’s fault but Loughners, I do think more could have been done to prevent this incident from happening. If somebody starts out completely normal and goes down hill as quickly as Loughner did, they can only be expected to do something radical.

This is a picture of the shooter; Jared Loughner

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