Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Law passed to ban picketing at Tucson funerals

Tuesday night, a law was passed in Phoenix, Arizona that prohibits picketing at or near funeral sites. This law will take affect immediately because of the Westboro Baptist Church’s plan to protest at a 9 year old girl’s funeral who was killed in the Tucson shooting. This church believes that people are dying because America accepts homosexuality and is being punished by God. They say that "God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America."  This new bill makes picketing within 300 feet of a funeral a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail. The church says this won’t stop them because they planned to protest at an intersection 1000 feet away. Members of society are also stepping up to stop this protest. Many are going to wear large angel wings to surround the protesters and prevent them from being seen.
I’m glad the lawmakers are doing something about this disrespectful protesting at funerals. I don’t know what kind of people would protest at a 9 year old girl’s funeral when she was shot and killed by a crazed gunman. They have the right to believe whatever they want but not when it interrupts the mourning of brave men and women.  To me, protesting at somebody’s funeral is a worse sin than homosexuality. I’m relieved to see that members of the community are stepping up and are going to try and stop this protest from being seen. The family of the young girl that passed away deserves a funeral without protesters saying that God is punishing them because America accepts homosexuality; the funeral is going to be hard enough for them as it is.

This is a picture of Christina Taylor Green, the young girl killed in the Tucson shooting. To read more on Christina visit

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