Friday, October 1, 2010

History shows Obama, Dems face stiff headwinds

President Obama and the Democratic Party’s voter approval have dropped extremely which isn’t looking good for them considering the midterm elections are only just over a month away. People have negative feelings about the direction the nation is going which could lead to mid-term losses. The NBC Political Unit created a VCI (Voter Confidence Index) and they discovered that Obama and the Democratic Party averaged a VCI of -38 for September. The lower the number, the worse off the President's Party is when it comes to the mid-term elections. That number is eights points worse than President Clinton when his party lost 54 seats in the House, and eight seats in the Senate.
I'm glad that America is now looking down on Obama like I already did before he was even elected. I'm not really big into politics but I know enough to realize that Obama has not done half the things he said he was going to do prior to election. In November of 2009, Obama's VCI dropped into the negatives and has continued to drop ever since to the point where he is worse off than President Clinton was. Obama does not have enough experience to run this country and he is just trying to socialize America. Everybody should be responsible for themselves because it is a free country where the individual has the right to make something of themselves through hard work. I believe in helping others but not when the government makes you. It should be a choice not an order.

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