Friday, October 15, 2010

Fla. pastor wins car for not burning Quran

When the Florida Pastor, Terry Jones was threatening to burn the Quran on September 11th, a New Jersey car dealer named Brad Benton offered Jones a 2011 Hyundai Accent over a radio add if he didn’t burn the Quran. Jones did not end up burning the Quran so he called Benton asking when he could pick up the car. Jones says that he is not going to keep the car for himself. Instead, he is going to donate it to an organization that helps abused Muslim women. Benson debated whether to actually give the car to Jones, but listeners encouraged him to “be a man” and keep his word.
I believe Brad Benson made a bold move when offering to give away a car in exchange for the Quran not being burned. I think that  most people realized how burning the Quran would effect our country and would most likely cause more lives to be lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Benson said that he didn’t think Jones’ planned act would be the best thing for our country right now. Although Jones is planning on giving the car to an organization for abused Muslim women, he doesn’t deserve that car at all. In fact, he deserves to pay some sort of fine for endangering the lives of the men and women fighting for our country. If Jones wants to donate to a good cause, he should have to take the money from his own pocket instead of having it handed to him for threatening to do something bad.
This is a picture of the type of brand new car Jones is going to receive.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it was good that the burning did not take place, but it is also too bad that there has to be material motivation to prevent such a thing from happening. It would be great if people would just do the right thing without there having to be a reward.
