Wednesday, November 3, 2010

After 'shellacking,' Obama laments disconnect with voters

Now that the Republicans are in control of the House and have gained in the Senate, they plan to decrease the size of government and the health care law. Obama said that the Democrats “lost track of the ways we connected with the folks who got us here in the first place." Obama thinks that people are frustrated that there was not enough done about unemployment. He says that he takes responsibility for not making enough change. John Boehner took the Republican win as a mandate to shrink the government. Boehner said that he wants to start “tweaking” the health care law before it is repealed. 

I’m glad that the Republicans are getting a chance to make the changes that the Democrats never made. Government is getting too involved. This country is about the individual, not about everyone working together as a team.  I think that the way Obama connected to the people that voted for him in the first place was by lying. I think he made people think that he was going to make changes that would benefit America, but never even followed through with what he said. From the results of the mid-term election we can see that universal health care was not what we really wanted and that it should be repealed.

here is a video of Obama's reaction to the mid-term elections.

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