Thursday, January 20, 2011

Giffords reportedly stands, could leave hospital on Friday

On Wednesday, Gabrielle Giffords was able to stand and look out her hospital room window with a little help. Her family plans on moving her from the hospital to a Texas rehabilitation center. This is a huge milestone in her recovery considering she was shot in the forehead at point blank range. Giffords’ husband, Mark Kelly, is extremely hopeful and believes his wife will be able to recover. Kelly says that she improves every day and that the doctors are hopeful that she will be ready for Texas in as little as two weeks.
It’s amazing that somebody can survive a shot to the brain and still be able to stand a few days later. I believe that it is her family’s hope and support that allowed her to recover so quickly. It is truly a miracle by God. I think it is good that her family plans on moving her close to home so that she can continue to be supported through her rehabilitation. Giffords still doesn’t know about the six others that died, and I’m sure it will be very devastating for her. I hope she doesn’t blame herself because she certainly can’t control a mentally unstable rational. It’s a shame that bad things happen to good people.

This is a picture of Gabrielle and Mark on their wedding day in 2007

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Giffords' husband willing to meet suspect's parents

Representative Gabrielle Gifford’s husband said he was willing to talk to the parents of the accused shooter, Jared Loughner. Her husband, Mark Kelly, didn’t blame the parents; he said he was a forgiving person and that the parents have to be hurting in this situation as much as anybody. Loughner’s parents said that they too were grieving for the people in the shooting. Giffords has gain consciousness and she smiled and even gave her husband a ten minute back rub. Last weekend doctors carried out 3 procedures that indicate she is recovering well; Kelly being the most hopeful.
I’m glad that Kelly is a forgiving person and that he doesn’t blame Loughner’s parents for what happened. I understand that even though the parents have not lost their son, they are grieving for him anyways because he is a different person because of the shooting. Loughner obviously had some mental issues and the parents shouldn’t be blamed for the shooting when they feel just as badly as everybody else. I really hope that Gabrielle can fully recover because she seems like a very giving person. It’s nice to hear that her husband is so hopeful. Her husband’s hope is probably what kept her alive in the first place.
This is a picture of Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thousands mourn at funeral for 9-year-old Christina Green

Christina Taylor Green’s funeral service was held yesterday. Christina was the 9-year-old little girl that was killed the Tucson shooting. 2,000 mourners came to say good-bye to Christina at the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Hundreds of people wearing white lined the streets, motorcycle riders were on watch, and there were more than a dozen people dressed as angels. Christina was the only girl on her little league team, and she was a budding politician. She believed in God and would have said today “God has loved me so much. He has put his hand on me and prepared a place for me.” Bishop Gerald Kicanas predicted.

This is such a sad tragedy. It’s amazing to read about how many people attend the memorial service and how many lives Christina touched. I’m glad that many people came to protect the service from protestors that have such disrespect. She looked like she had a bright future and it’s sad to see her life end early. Reading about what her friends and family had to say was very moving. They had such high hopes for her and they miss her greatly. It’s sad to think that her young friends have to deal with the death of a friend at such a young age.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Report: Loughner lost it after teen break-up

A 21 year old named Kelsey Hawkes was in a relationship with the suspect in the Tucson shooting Jared Loughner a year. She said that when they broke he started to “go off the rails.” She said that he started cutting himself off from mutual friends and starting using drugs and drinking. She says that her breaking up with him wasn’t what made him go crazy but it was the start of it. Hawkes said that it was obvious that Loughner was in love with her, but she wasn’t sure she felt the same way. She also said that Loughner used to care about everything. Although she wasn’t sure she was in love with him, she cried all day when she found out what he had did. The college also claimed that he was very hostile and almost creepy.
From how people describe him after the break up, there were clear signs that he was going crazy. Something should have been done. His family and friends should have watched him closer and should have made him get help. His girlfriend had the right to break up with him so she shouldn’t feel guilty for that, but she should feel guilty for not keeping an eye on him. Although I do not think the shooting was anybody’s fault but Loughners, I do think more could have been done to prevent this incident from happening. If somebody starts out completely normal and goes down hill as quickly as Loughner did, they can only be expected to do something radical.

This is a picture of the shooter; Jared Loughner

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Law passed to ban picketing at Tucson funerals

Tuesday night, a law was passed in Phoenix, Arizona that prohibits picketing at or near funeral sites. This law will take affect immediately because of the Westboro Baptist Church’s plan to protest at a 9 year old girl’s funeral who was killed in the Tucson shooting. This church believes that people are dying because America accepts homosexuality and is being punished by God. They say that "God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America."  This new bill makes picketing within 300 feet of a funeral a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail. The church says this won’t stop them because they planned to protest at an intersection 1000 feet away. Members of society are also stepping up to stop this protest. Many are going to wear large angel wings to surround the protesters and prevent them from being seen.
I’m glad the lawmakers are doing something about this disrespectful protesting at funerals. I don’t know what kind of people would protest at a 9 year old girl’s funeral when she was shot and killed by a crazed gunman. They have the right to believe whatever they want but not when it interrupts the mourning of brave men and women.  To me, protesting at somebody’s funeral is a worse sin than homosexuality. I’m relieved to see that members of the community are stepping up and are going to try and stop this protest from being seen. The family of the young girl that passed away deserves a funeral without protesters saying that God is punishing them because America accepts homosexuality; the funeral is going to be hard enough for them as it is.

This is a picture of Christina Taylor Green, the young girl killed in the Tucson shooting. To read more on Christina visit